《Whether Driving a Car isGood or Not?》(“开车好还是不好”反方辩词)

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Whether Driving a Car isGood or Not?


Anti-side argument:

Hello! every one! Today I’d like to say somethingabout "Whether driving a car is good or not?", our view is thatdriving a car is not good.

1, Any motor vehicle will let off a lotof harmful gas, damage the environment seriously. How to maintain low-carbonlifestyle if everyone has a car?

2, Nowadays the traffic is not fluent,traffic jam happens every day. You have to sit in the car, can do nothing, isnot it waste of time?

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 3, Not only driving costs fuel, but carowners have to pay money for special insurance and maintenance. Today, the oilprice is rising severely, the economy is depressing for a long time, hasn't thecar become a real " one-armbandit"?

4, when driving, people have to sitinside the car, open the air conditioner, seldom breathe in fresh air, and alsohave no way to move, they will be lazy and increase a lot of disease.

5, when not using the car, where to putit? We have to spend money on parking, or put it beside the road and worryabout being stolen or scratched, which will increase our psychological burden!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 6, The greatest danger of driving a car istraffic accident, if you hurt others you will be responsible, not only you willfeel guilty in your lifetime, or even become bankrupt. If you were hurt, thefamily members would be sad - could you please tell me, I'm afraid "you can'tafford to hurt?" !

7, people sitting in a car are easy, but thedriver is tired, you drive, you will become a real driver. You can have a sleepwhen not driving if you feel tired. It’d be easy to have accident if drivingwith tiredness. You can’t drink nom atter how happy you are! Look, you aretotally tied up by a car, became a "car slave".

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 8, Driving a car is indeed on behalf ofthe progress of science and technology, but please think about it: does thehuman body also degrade at the same time? Is this a kind of pride of scienceand technology, or human ’s sadness?

Please answer, the opposite debate friend, thank you!




上海龙凤shlf最新地址 1、任何机动车,都会排放大量有害气体,严重破坏环境,人人开车,如何保证低碳生活呢?

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 2、如今交通不畅,天天塞车。坐在车上,发愁也无济于事,岂不是浪费大把的时间?





上海龙凤shlf最新地址 7、坐车的人轻松,开车的人受累,你开车就成了地地道道的司机。同样是疲劳,不开车可以酣然大睡,开车多遭罪,如果疲劳驾驶还容易出事。而且多开心都不能喝酒。看!你彻底被车捆住,成了“车奴”。




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