
上海龙凤shlf最新地址Biff and Chip had a little garden. They planted seeds and they grew plants. The birds ate the seeds and pecked the plants. Biff and Chip had an idea. They could make a scarecrow. Biff wanted a girl scarecrow, but Chip said there were no girl scarecrows. So they made a boy scarecrow. They made it with some old clothes, some bags, some strings ,a pair of old shoes and a cap. Chip called the scarecrow ‘Fred'.

The magic key began to glow. The magic took them to a field. The scarecrow came to life. There were some scarecrows in the lane. They went to the barn dance. Biff and Chip couldn't go to the barn dance. But Fred had an idea. Fred made Biff and Chip into scarecrows. They all danced with the scarecrows happily. And Biff saw a girl scarecrow at the barn dance. Suddenly the key glowed. It was time to go home. At last, they made a boy scarecrow and a girl scarecrow.


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