
This is a sentimental love story.

Jing is a beautiful girl,because her father is a landlord generations,the family component is not good,very popular during the Cultural Revolution.Jing and a group of students were asked to experience life in rural areas.

She lives in a remote village .Met Sun by chance.Sun fell in love with the pure girl, Jing was afraid that he deceived her,and because Jingqiu's political background at that time . Jingqiu's mother don't agree they come together .so at first she always reject.This handsome and brilliant Sun is willing to do anything for her.And he is actually did many things which moved Jing .Then it becomes a love story.

He waited for her graduation, waited for her hire work. Sum suffered from the hard disease, under the disease , San couldn't say and hear anything , but he still remerber one person, he was still waiting.Unfortunatelly,Sun have died of leukemia.At that time,1976, he is very.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“I can not wait for you one year and one month,and I can not wait for you to twenty-five years old,but I will wait for you life.”--This sentence written in Sun’s diary.

After reading this novel, I was deeply moved.To the world you may be a person,but to one person you may be the world.I want to say:Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened.So remember to cherish the person loving you deeply.


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